The API is currently subject to the same limits as user accounts, you can purchase more credits at see FAQ details. This is all subject to change without notice.
Additionally, API users may not run glifs that use any of the following models: StableDiffusion 3, DALL-E 3, Flux Pro, and Flux Dev; or Flux Dev via comfyBlock. Please make sure to follow these rules as we'll otherwise have to revoke your API access.
If you're building with our API, please join our Discord or get in touch since we'd love to chat and learn more about what you're building. For selected apps we can extend a higher rate limit during this free testing period.
We ask that you include βpowered by glif.appβ and a link to within the UI of your integration. Please use a Glif logo badge in the zip file below.
Running glifs using the Simple API
The Simple API requires an API token to make requests
You're most likely interested in the output field, which is the final output of the glif.
outputFull is a JSON object with more info about the final output, including it's type.
If thereβs an error itβll be in an error field, but the response will have a "200 OK" status code. For legacy reasons the the Simple API always returns 200 OK. This might change in the future.
"inputs": {
"param1": "a happy horse",
"param2": "living on a farm",
"param3": "in France"
Looking up the internal names of a glif's inputs
To specify named parameters, you need to use the internal block name. This has no spaces and usually is something like "text1", "multipick2", but each glif creator can customize it.
On the website you can look at the block names in the "View source" page of a glif, like this one:
Or you can look at the nodes field of a glif's data via our API:
"id": "clkbasluf0000mi08h541a3j4",
"name": "chat.welcome",
"imageUrl": null,
"description": "",
"createdAt": "2023-07-20T15:19:11.511Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-01T11:59:23.279Z",
"output": "Welcome to our Discord Chat, @jamiedubs, where creativity's at!\nWith Tanaki as your guide, prepare for a delightful ride.\nWe'll connect ideas across the land, with art and magic at our command.\nSo join us now, let's collaborate, and create wonders that resonate.",
"outputType": "TEXT",
"forkedFromId": null,
"featuredAt": null,
"userId": "cli4waaz20002l5082wrs99bx",
"completedSpellRunCount": 3,
"user": {
"id": "cli4waaz20002l5082wrs99bx",
"name": "tanaki",
"image": "",
"username": "tanaki"
"spheres": [],
"data": {
"nodes": [
"name": "username",
"type": "TextInputBlock",
"params": {
"label": "@username to greet",
"value": "harrystyles"
"name": "ego",
"type": "GlifBlock",
"params": {
"id": "clj359oq70000le08nog0a0sb",
"inputValues": []
"name": "radmilk",
"type": "GlifBlock",
"params": {
"id": "clpmk3e3x000xqrpfuxrjq6gl",
"inputValues": []
"name": "text1",
"type": "GPTBlock",
"params": {
"api": "chat",
"model": "gpt-4",
"prompt": "{ego}\nplease keep the above in mind.\n\nI need you to welcome a new user to a discord chat.\n\nAdd a joke in the style of some example jokes. Share the joke as if it were a fact and you are mitch hedberg. Make it weird and under 2 sentences. Don't mention it is a joke. Just tell the joke. Play with their name. Add linebreaks and markdown to format your message where needed.\n\nExample jokes:\n{radmilk}\n\n\nTheir username is:\n{username}\n\nNow write the welcome message in no more than 2 short sentences:\n\n",
"maxTokens": 500,
"temperature": 0.9
"_count": {
"likes": 0,
Lastly, you can use the commandline to fetch field names dynamically using curl + jq: