Glif It! Browser Extension
Remix any image on the web with the Glif browser extension.
Last updated
Remix any image on the web with the Glif browser extension.
Last updated
Click the “Add to Chrome” button to install the extension.
After the extension is installed, right-click on any image and select “Glif it!”. (Alternatively, you can click the extension icon in the toolbar and then paste in any image.)
Select a Glif effect to run from the dropdown—experiment with all of them!
Enter your own prompt or click the "✨ Generate prompt for me" button for an AI generated example prompt.
Click the “Glif it!” button.
That’s it! Your remixed image will be generated in about 30 seconds.
Bonus: Using buttons in the gallery below, you can share, download, or even swap your image onto the webpage!
To get started, we recommend using the extension on these excellent public domain resources:
For advanced users, the Glif Extension 2.0 may be used to process web images using your local installation of Comfy UI. Comfy is a popular and powerful tool for running Stable Diffusion models.
Open Comfy in a Chrome browser tab.
If you are using the default Comfy url of, it will be automatically connected with Glif.
Look for the Glif logo at the bottom of the Comfy toolbar to know that it is connected.
Glif requires that Comfy Developer Mode be enabled. If it is not, simply click the warning message to enable it.
Load or create a Comfy workflow that takes an input image and a text prompt.
Modify the image node title to include the text "GLIF" anywhere in the title, and then do the same for the text prompt node. (Modify node titles by right-clicking and select "Properties Panel".) This tells the Glif extension where it should pass the image and prompt from the web.
In summary, you need one Text node with "GLIF" in the title, and one Image Input node with "GLIF" in the title.
Run the workflow at least once with the new titles, and with any image or prompt.
If you open "View History", you will see the Glif icon next to the workflow run that will be used by the extension.
Open a new tab and find an interesting image.
IMPORTANT: Leave the Comfy tab open, as well. Execution of your flow will occur there.
As usual, right-click on an image and select "Glif It!". Click the Preset Selector and scroll to the bottom to find the special preset called "Local Comfy."
Then enter a prompt and click "Glif It!" to see the image and prompt processed by your local Comfy workflow!
This will create a draft glif on You will need to click "Publish" here to finalize the creation of the glif.
If you run into repeated errors when using the browser extension, please contact us.
If you enjoy using our browser extension, we’d love it if you took a minute to give us a review in the Chrome Web Store!
If you would like to save your workflow for later and share your workflow with the wider Glif community, you can convert it to a glif by selecting "Create Glif from Comfy" on your resulting image.