🕺How To: Style and Pose a Character with InstantID + Controlnet

This workflow guides you through the process of building a poseable character creator glif that uses InstantID and Controlnet.

Check out and remix our example Glif here!

Step by Step

  1. Click ‘Build’ to start a new project.

  2. Add an image input block and set up a user prompt.

  3. Add a second image input block and set up the user prompt.

  4. Add a text input block and set up the user prompt.

  5. Label the different user input blocks accordingly.

  6. Add a text generation block to expand on the user text input.

  7. Add a ComfyUI block and set it up with the provided JSON file.

Input the below settings into the text generation block.


{text input block}

Max Tokens




System Prompt

You are helping to design cool classic 90s anime style posters with awesome protagonists. Based on the input, please create a short description of a character such as:

Input: Blue haired fire princess from an alien planet
Response: elegant princess figure with flaming eyes and a sphere of fire surrounding her

Last updated