
What's new at Glif?

June 13, 2024

Image upload max size on glif.app increased to 20MB

Boosted from a measly 5MB to a respectable 20MB. We'll be monitoring to make sure our systems are happy with it. Let us know if you are still running into "image too big" warnings since we could potentially increase it.

June 10, 2024

NEW version of the Glif Chrome Extension is live!

The Glif extension lets you run tons of compatible AI workflows right inside your browser, using any image on the web as an input. It's awesome for IPAdapter workflows (copy the style of an image) or ControlNets (copy the shape of an image, but keep the style). This new version adds a much nicer UI + you can now see your own compatible Glif workflows right in the extension + there is a first version of local ComfyUI support available!

Get it here, and please leave a review in the Chrome Store! https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/glif-remix-the-web-with-a/abfbooehhdjcgmbmcpkcebcmpfnlingo

June 6, 2024

Quickly search a user's list of glifs

Just a simple filter to help find things more quickly.

Note that this is just using simple word-matching on the titles, and not our proper search engine (yet).

Check it out on Heather's profile https://glif.app/@heather or to test it with this random guy who has almost 1000 glifs: https://glif.app/@fab1an [(Jk, Fabian is our co-founder.)

June 4, 2024

Easily split JSON into a bunch of variables

We've shipped a new block that lets you take any JSON and split it into variables you can then use independently in your glif! No more using LLMs to do that. An example use case can be found in this in Meme Generator: https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clufv6gtq000bb0ip8flu5zx9.

Comment on a glif!

You can now leave comments on individual glifs, and the creator will receive an email with your thoughts. Click the dots next to a comment to delete or report it. Read more here.

New base models added to our ComfyUI engines

May 30, 2024

Rate That Run

We've added some simple thumbs up/thumbs down data collection that shows up after you execute a glif run. Right now, it just provides data back to us that we'll use to improve our models, but we've considered e.g. thumbs up = automatically like this run, thumbs down = automatically delete it, etc...

Join our Discord serverand let us know what you think in the #⁠gliffin channel.

ComfyUI block updates

  • MistoLine and the glass_sdxl LoRA have been added to our ComfyUI engines.

  • Comfy execution errors should now log more details.

  • Fixed the issue where opening the ComfyUI editor would sometimes erase the workflow JSON if variables had certain characters after them.

May 14, 2024

New Comfy UI editor

We added a new ComfyUI Editor to our ComfyUI block. Clicking "Edit in Comfy UI Editor**"** will open a pop-up that will allow you to import, edit, and create workflows just like you would in your local ComfyUI environment. The editor will stay up-to-date with all of the models and custom nodes loaded on our Comfy UI inference engine, which means, if you can build it in the editor, we can run it on Glif! Variables from other blocks can be used directly in the ComfyUI Editor. Image loading nodes will be automatically updated with block variables, and you can use {variable_name} in the text boxes.\

The new GPT-4o and tons of other new LLMs are now in the TextSpell

  • GPT-4o is the new openAI flagship model. On the surface it is just another LLM that seems slightly better than GPT-4 (but runs much faster: 20t vs 80t / s). This is also what's available via the openAI API right now. However, the "o" in the model stands for "omni", as the underlying architecture seems to support image/audio/video/files-in and image/audio/...?? out. This is a big deal!

  • Claude 3 (Opus, Sonnet and Haiku) are amazing all around models, with Haiku being the fastest and Opus the most powerful.

  • Sonar is an online LLM, so it has access to real-time-ish news

  • Llama 3 is another excellent OS general purpose model.

Improved support for JSON {variables} in WebFetcher

Power users of the glif WebFetcher block will know that {variables} + JSON + WebFetcher could get weird. We have improved support for this, and you can likely remove any LLM TextSpell calls, but there's still one edge case that might apply to your legacy glifs:

  • DO: Build your JSON in the body field of webFetcher block. Any variables you reference will be parsed & made JSON-safe, if they aren't already.

  • DO NOT: Use a Combiner block to construct the JSON and then reference that Combiner in the WebFetcher body, e.g. if you have a Combiner block named json and then you put {json} inside the WebFetcher body, the variable will be escaped, and the whole thing won't work. Instead, build the JSON inside the WebFetcher.

This is a rare edge case and this is a workaround until we can put in a real fix.

April 19, 2024

Trending glifs page

We added a new row to the glif.app homepage and a dedicated /glifs/ trending page: https://glif.app/glifs/trending The trending page currently shows glifs being run a lot over the last 48 hours or so. The algorithm will need a lot of tweaking, but it's fun to see things that are bubbling up!

Show info about remixes and GlifBlock references

In the bottom right of a glif remix's page, you'll now see info about the original glif and a link to remix details. You'll also see a "Uses other glifs: ..." link if that glif uses GlifBlocks to magically talk to other glifs.

See here for a glif that has four remixes (as of writing) and uses the hot new StableDiffusion 3 glif via GlifBlock: https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clv4ca3aq0004xklr050jusec

April 18, 2024

StableDiffusion 3 is out and you can try it on Glif!

This is the most basic version of it: https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clv488uy10000djtrx70u03no

You can use it as a glif block to build other ones: https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clv4ca3aq0004xklr050jusec

Or even more sophisticated ones that use LLMs: https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clv4ehmfi0007drkatqi8gp0i\

Opengraph (link previews) fixed

We broke it a while ago but now it is back to life... If you post a link to a glif or a run in Discord, Telegram, Facebook or other places that support rich embeds, you'll see a nice little preview again.

April 8, 2024

ComfyUI engine update: our ComfyUI setup is now using the latest IPAdapter nodes.

Any glifs using comfyUI blocks are automatically "translated" into the new IPAdatper schema at runtime, so we're not changing any of the JSON. However, the new IPAdapter offers some amazing new functionality like improved SDXL style transfers, so we're manually migrating some to the new workflows.

April 4, 2024

Simple API updates & bug fixes

We've been rolling out a number of fixes to the Glif API, notably related to error reporting and input parsing.

A reminder: as of a few weeks ago, API tokens are now required. The API is still free to use, within rate limits. Register for your token here: https://glif.app/settings/api-tokens

We've also been slowly updating the docs!: https://glif.app/api

April 3, 2024

New Canvas block!

We shipped a new Canvas block that lets you easily layout and design your glif's outputs into a final shape. No more wrangling HTML + CSS (unless you want to...).

Demo glif: https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clujgo11j000193i1tginu66m

Some known issues:

  • It can be bit jumpy at times and we're looking into this.

  • Centering text is a bit unreliable.

March 28, 2024

Auto-link URLs, @usernames and #tags inside Glif descriptions

Nothing fancy, just makes them into links. Plus now there is a basic page listing all glifs with #various #hashtags in #them, different from the staff-curated spheres.

Try it on:

March 25, 2024

Fixed "Remixed" number on user profiles

Small fix, but the remixed count now accurately tells the number of times the glifs you've created have been remixed, e.g. https://glif.app/@jamiedubs went from ~60 to ~323.

March 6, 2024

Source images are now visible only to you

Your source image on runs that use the Image Input block are hidden from other users. You can view your original uploaded image by clicking on "Source Image" below your run when you’re logged in.

March 4, 2024

Average glif durations

We now calculate and show the estimated time a given glif takes to run. Currently this updates every 5 runs or so, calculated across the last 20 successful runs. This is available in the API via the averageDuration field.

February 23, 2024

Draft mode and auto-saving

The builder now uses a draft version of your glif and automatically saves any changes. No more spending 30 minutes working on a great glif and then losing everything just because your browser crashed. The draft version is only visible to you. To make it available to everybody on glif, click the β€œPublish” button on the top right.

February 22, 2024

New Free Form Mode in the Glif Browser Extension

The Glif Browser Extension now includes a "replace anything" workflow. Try prompts like "make the hair pink."

February 19, 2024

Change your profile image

Bored of your Glif profile image? You can now pick your own pic in settings: https://glif.app/settings

Better image uploads

You may have noticed our brand new image input with:

  • a bigger image thumbnail

  • paste links or copied images directlyβ€”no need to find the file


Last updated